Pomegranate molasses is a pretty simple ingredient (you can even make it yourself). It is pomegranate juice that has been reduced down, with or without sugar, to a thick, intensely flavored syrup. One of the things I appreciate most about it is its lack of sweetness
Pomegranate Molasses is a great & versatile ingredient with loads of health benefits
Contains antioxidants ,boosting the immune system
Lower Cholesterol
Contains Vitamins C , B1 , B3 , B5 & B6 ;
Aids energy boosting for general health, muscle, cardiovascular , digestive & nervous systems
Protects against various Cancers ( Prostate & Breast )
Taste :
Sweet sour with a hint of tartness
Usage :
Dressings in Salads , Desserts , Cooking & Marinades as well as Drinks
85ml bottle : S$18
150ml bottle : S$32